

  1. Please read the Auction Rules before proceeding.
  2. Please read Best Practices for Sellers before proceeding.
  3. Request a Seller Number.  Complete the form at Seller Number Request.  You do not need to be a GBAS member.  Please include your full name.  You will receive your Seller Number shortly.  If you have questions, please contact
  4. Click Automated Auction Sheets to complete your Seller Sheet and auction tags.  We have been given permission to use these automated forms by our friends in the Greater Chicago Cichlid Association (, who retain ownership of them.  You will need Adobe Reader, which you can download for free here, to use these automated forms.  If you prefer to complete your forms manually, click here for blank forms.
  5. Do not use the Automated Auction Sheets until you have received your Seller Number.
  6. Follow the instructions on the Automated Auction Sheets.  You will not be able to save your completed forms.  You may wish to print out two copies of your Seller Sheet so you can have one for your records.
  7. If you are new to bagging fish, please see the article How I Bag Fish.
  8. After placing a tag on a bag you wish to sell, please put a piece of clear shipping tape over the tag.  This will prevent ink run, which could make the tag illegible and the bag unsellable.
  9. Turn in one copy of your Seller Sheet when you arrive at the auction.  A check with your profits from the auction will be mailed to you at the address on your Seller Sheet within four weeks of the auction.